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Another gem of a session at Rainbow Jane

Many thanks to everyone who came to Rainbow Jane on Sunday October 7th, Together we created jewellery, crystal hangings and some stunning snowflakes, like the examples above!

Thank you too for the £120 in donations given on the day. This has now boosted the Rainbow Jane Just Giving account for Alzheimer's Society to a total of £2460! Amazing, thank you SO much!

The next Rainbow Jane session is on Sunday November 18th. I have moved the date on one week as Nov 11th is Remembrance Sunday. It has been lovely to see more families attending over the last few sessions and so for the next session, I will extend the hours. From 11.00am - 3.00pm will be sessions for families, and then from 3.00pm - 6.00pm, will be for adults. I'm hoping this will mean that I can welcome even more families, while also providing some more advanced crafting for adults at the end of the session.

The November Rainbow Jane session is a glass and rock painting session.

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